Welcome to the Revolution

If you need help with hormones or periods, you’re in the right place. This site explores women’s health topics, such as immune treatment for endometriosis and the 4 types of PCOS. You’ll also find information about natural treatments, including iodine for breast pain, progesterone for heavy periods, and some of the best natural anti-androgen supplements for facial hair and acne.

You can read an essay about body literacy and learn about alternatives to hormonal birth control, including the pros and cons of the copper IUD (Paragard).

For more information, check out my books Period Repair Manual, Hormone Repair Manual, and Metabolism Repair for Women. Plus, my podcast for “everything women’s health in under 15 minutes.”

Recent Articles

How Science Got It Wrong About Progesterone

Progesterone is important for women's health.

Progesterone has been both ignored and wrongly blamed for side effects it does not cause. How did that happen?

For one thing, progesterone was discovered shortly after estrogen. Thus missing the opportunity to be part of the tidy hormone dichotomy of “testosterone for men and estrogen for women.” Also, progesterone could not (at first) be made into an oral medication, so was replaced by progestins.