How Rhodiola Shelters Us From Stress and Cortisol

Rhodiola shelters us from stressOur stress response system—the HPA axis—is calibrated for intermittent, severe threats such as lions.  Not for the incessant, trivial threats of modern life, such as difficult phone calls. We don’t want our hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis to charge up and release cortisol every time we drive in heavy traffic, but it will do so.

If you’re like me, you’re trying to ease up on the HPA throttle. I practice yoga. I take magnesium. I switch off my computer in the evening like a good naturopath. I sternly instruct my HPA axis to power down, but I must say that it does not always listen. If I could only be more Buddha-like, then I would not need to coax my HPA axis with a herbal medicine like Rhodiola.

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The Myth of the 8 Hour Sleep

medieval sleepEight hours of continuous sleep is a modern and artificial rest pattern. Some people are fortunate to have adapted to it fairly well, but for many of us, our bodies remember a different time.

Night used to be longer. Before electric light and Facebook, people went to bed earlier. Our ancestors didn’t need to condense sleep into an efficient eight hour bundle, so they enjoyed segmented sleep, or divided sleep.

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Queen Estrogen: No Hormone More Powerful for Sleep, Mood, and Libido

in defense of estrogen

We must not fear estrogen—our own queen of hormones. With all the current talk of estrogen dominance, plus the 2002 HRT scare, estrogen has acquired a bad reputation it does not deserve.

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Gentle Carbs for GABA, Cortisol, and HPA (Adrenal) Dysfunction

Those of us who treat young women know that some women need to eat carbs or what I call gentle carbs.

A keto diet is great in theory and great for many people. But it does not work for everyone.

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