The 7 Best Natural Anti-Androgen Supplements for Women

woman with a mustache

Natural anti-androgen supplements reduce testosterone or block its effects. In women, androgen blockers can improve androgen or testosterone symptoms, such as hirsutism, acne, and weight gain. In other words, they can treat PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and other types of androgen excess.

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What Estrogen Does in Your 40s (and How Progesterone Can Help)

Estrogen rollercoaster of perimenopause

Night sweats, mood swings, and crazy heavy periods. Is this menopause already? And you’re only 42? No, menopause could still be a decade away. This is perimenopause or second puberty, which is the decade or so before your final period.

Perimenopause is different from menopause (or post-menopause), which is the life phase that begins one year after your final period.

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The Crucial Difference Between Progesterone and Progestins

progesterone versus progestinProgestins such as drospirenone, levonorgestrel, or medroxyprogesterone are not progesterone.

That’s because progesterone is not a generic term like estrogen. Instead, progesterone refers only to the hormone made by the corpus luteum or taken as oral micronized progesterone.

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What Is Bioidentical or Body-Identical Hormone Therapy?

Bioidentical hormones

Bioidentical or body-identical hormones are estradiol and progesterone, which are molecularly identical to human hormones. Most (not all) modern menopause hormone therapy is bioidentical. Keep reading for a list of brands.

The difference between “bioidentical” and “body-identical” is that body-identical is the preferred conventional term, while bioidentical is the term traditionally applied to customised hormone formulas dispensed by a compounding pharmacist when compounding was the only way to obtain such hormones.

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