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Premenstrual Symptoms

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 12:42 am
by kmbriglia
Hi there!
I got my period back Jan 2023, 4 months after refueling. Since then, I would have some premenstrual symptoms such as tender breasts. This month I have not had that symptom and there’s been times the symptom would come later than it had been. So I’m concerned about what this means. I’ve heard you, Dr Briden, talk before about what these symptoms actually mean but I couldn’t find that (it was a couple years ago). Whether it’s this or any other symptom, what does it mean if we do or don’t have them.

I’m supposed to start my period today and since I got them back they’ve been punctual.

I think it’s important to note that I’m a runner and strength train regularly as well for optimal performance. I also do a lot of hiking and walking. Basically, I’m an active person, lol. But I fuel properly now, get tons of protein, and my last blood work in Feb showed my hormones included thyroid to be in a great place.