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Fertility & Endometriosis

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 6:27 pm
by hereforhelp
Your insights and work has been SO helpful and has truly helped my body heal in incredible ways! We have been trying for a baby for several years while also attempting IVF. Our embryos make it to day 3 but never to day 5. Having had all other possible considerations for infertility crossed off the list, it is clear that this is an egg issue. With endometriosis the cytokine level in the peritoneal fluid is high and can damage the eggs (from what I've researched). What are some ways you recommend that can help decrease cytokine levels and increase fertility? I think there may also be a progesterone issue here as well, as Prometrium (although not as bad as the others) also causes inflammation and pain in my pelvis when using for several days. This seems to be related to endometriosis as well.

Re: Fertility & Endometriosis

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2024 12:49 pm
by Jordanna115
I second this request!