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Bilateral Salpingo & Oophorectomy (ovary & tube removal)

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 2:44 am
by rach52
Hi there,
I'm 52, post menopausal and have a simple cyst on my right ovary with some irregularity. The cyst is not decreasing in size, as we'd hope it would- it's been monitored over the last year and is getting ever so slightly bigger - currently measuring 5.5 cm at last scan a week ago. I have no pain. All my markers are within the normal range.
I have surgery booked in on Monday for the Bilateral Salpingo & Oophorectomy procedure. But I'm concerned about having both ovaries removed and the potential impact on my hormones post surgery.
I'd prefer to keep my other ovary... if it's looking good. Surely it's better to keep an ovary if you can?

Gyno mentioned if I did keep the Left ovary that she'd want to remove the tube.

Would love to hear your thoughts, Lara?

Re: Bilateral Salpingo & Oophorectomy (ovary & tube removal)

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 6:55 pm
by Lara
In general, yes. It's better to keep at least one ovary, if you can. For its general health benefits as discussed in this research.
But fine to remove the tube.

Re: Bilateral Salpingo & Oophorectomy (ovary & tube removal)

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 9:58 pm
by rach52
Thanks very much for your prompt reply! Very helpful! I listened to you podcast with Petra B last week. Very informative! Thanks again!

Re: Bilateral Salpingo & Oophorectomy (ovary & tube removal)

Posted: Wed May 11, 2022 5:42 pm
by rach52
Just in case this is helpful to anyone....
I'm now 10 days post surgery. I opted for the unilateral ovary removal (RHS) if it was looking healthy. But had both tubes removed. Laparoscopic surgery took about an hour.
Cyst was benign. Having not had an operation before, I was pretty nervous about the anaesthetic - but that was all fine. I didn't have any side effects from the anaesthetic.
First week post op, I was pretty tired & slow & sore, lots of rest and recuperating. (Great to be able to finish a book!) Week 2, each day gets better - I can now walk around the block with the dog - probably a little slower than usual but almost back to normal. I'm not taking any pain meds in week 2.
From a hormonal point of view - I haven't noticed any difference. Still getting hot flushes - a few times a day which was my usual. Really relieved that I opted for just one ovary to be removed (and very grateful that I could choose that and that my left ovary was healthy)
Thanks for your insight on this Lara!