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PCOS + Hirsutism

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 10:41 pm
by tcoulson
Hey there! I’ve been diligently working to heal my lean PCOS symptoms and have successfully regained ovulation(usually every other month) curbed my carb/sugar cravings, and cleared my skin (for the most part). But I’m still struggling with hirsutism on my face and around the nipples despite having laser hair treatments (for my face only). I currently drink spearmint tea, take zinc and cyclic progesterone but I’m wondering: if I were to add one more supplement to help with hirsutism, what would you recommend? I used to take saw palmetto, but I’m leaning towards a licorice peony solution…also curious about Reishi. I really want to avoid spironolactone. Thanks in advance!!

Re: PCOS + Hirsutism

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 7:36 pm
by Lara
One thing to keep in mind is that the hirsutism could eventually improve on the existing plan of spearmint tea, zinc, cyclic progesterone, and your own ovulatory cycles. There's usually a time delay for hirsutism of at least 6-12 months.

Re: PCOS + Hirsutism

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 12:55 am
by Rahul_yadav12
If you want to know about PCOS and its diet plan then please visit. ... ose-weight

Re: PCOS + Hirsutism

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 2:04 pm
by missy
I’m struggling too. I got on the copper IUD over a year ago, lost 30lb, have had regular periods since. I take progesterone the first 12 days of the month.

The problem? My hair loss and chin hair have both gotten WAY worse!

I have no idea what to test for next. My reproductive endo. said the only option is to go on hormonal birth control or get my tubes tied and go on spiriolactane.

I was on birth control for like 15-20 years before I went on the copper IUD. I felt like I was losing my mind on it, plus I’d started getting hair los on it.

My mental health is better on the copper IUD but I am at my wits end on the hair loss and the chin hair. My OB doesn’t know what to do either.

I am beyond frustrated and nowhere to turn. I was hoping ovulation and progesterone might help the hair.

I’ve read the Period Repair manual and I’m still not sure what to do because my doctors aren’t open to discussing. All I want to know is my underlying issue. And now I’m getting stressed because no one can help me, which makes it worse!

I also have always had absolutely terribly gut health my whole life. My body is a walking disaster and it’s getting really hard to raise my three kids because I’m falling apart.

I’m in the US so I know I’m far away but if anyone out there can point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.