Period Repair Manual

Natural Treatment for Better Hormones and Better Periods

Period Repair Manual is available worldwide from all major book-sellers, including Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iTunes, and Kobo. You can also request it from your local library or bookstore.

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Period Repair Manual is published by Pan Macmillan and is your guide to better periods. It explains how to use natural treatments such as diet, nutritional supplements, herbal medicine, and bioidentical hormones and provides advice and tips for women of every age and situation. If you have a period (or want a period), then this book is for you.

Click here for a free download of the first two chapters.

Topics include:

  • How to come off hormonal birth control.
  • What your period should be like.
  • Things that can go wrong.
  • How to talk to your doctor.
  • Treatment protocols for all common period problems, including PCOS and endometriosis.
  • Insights from Canadian endocrinology professor Jerilynn C. Prior.
  • Special topics such as Histamine Intolerance and How to Choose a Probiotic.
  • Suggested brands for supplements.

Resources and References

Audiobook owners can access the Resources and References sections of the book in PDF format from the Resources page.


Spanish Cómo mejorar tu ciclo menstrual (Spanish)
The South American edition is available from Ginecosofia.
German Die Perioden-Werkstatt (German)
French Régéneréz votre cycle menstruel (French) Brazilian Portuguese O Que Nunca Te Contaram Sobre Seu Ciclo Menstrual (Brazilian Portuguese).
Italian Rigenera il tuo ciclo mestruale (Italian) Dutch Grip op je cyclus (Dutch)
Менструация: руководство по эксплуатации (Russian) Korean 나의 진짜 월경 찾기 (Korean).
Czech Jak si zlepšit menstruační cyklus (Czech) Bulgarian Наръчник за Регулиране на Месечния Цикъл (Bulgarian)
Lithuanian Moters ciklo sutrikimai (Lithuanian) Estonian Paremate päevade käsiraamat (Estonian)
Romanian Romanian coming soon.
And more to come!