Natural Treatment of Menstrual Migraines

menstrual migraines

According to a Lancet review, menstrual migraines are more severe than migraines at other times of the cycle. They occur then due to prostaglandins, histamine, and the steep decline in estrogen (aka “estrogen withdrawal”) leading up to the period.

Body-identical progesterone can shelter the brain from estrogen withdrawal and reduce the frequency and intensity of menstrual migraines.

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The Right Way to Test Progesterone with the Menstrual Cycle

testing progesterone

The next time your doctor orders a progesterone test, ask yourself: “When is the right day to do this test?”

Forget “day 21 progesterone.” There’s no reason to test progesterone until you are approximately one week before your period. That will depend on how long your cycle actually is.

Here’s what you need to know about progesterone testing.

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Cyclic Progesterone Therapy for PCOS

Progesterone has anti-androgen benefits and can promote ovulation. That makes progesterone therapeutic for polycystic ovary syndrome, as described in my recent paper The central role of ovulatory disturbances in the etiology of androgenic polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)—Evidence for treatment with cyclic progesterone.

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Roadmap to Progesterone

how to make progesterone

Progesterone is beneficial because it lightens periods. It also reduces inflammation, regulates immune function, and supports healthy thyroid, brain, bones, and breasts.

Do you make enough progesterone? Are you sure?

The only way to make progesterone is to ovulate and have a healthy luteal phase.


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