Why I Don’t Use the Term Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen dominance is not a medical term.

Estrogen dominance means high estrogen compared to progesterone. It’s a real condition and, at the same time, a not-very-helpful term.

There are better ways to discuss estrogen and progesterone balance.

First, it’s normal to have no progesterone during the follicular phase, which is the first two to three weeks of the menstrual cycle.

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The PMS Solution: 3 Steps to Hormonal Resilience

premenstrual syndromePMS is my favorite thing to treat because it responds so well to natural treatment. I love to hear patients say: “I was surprised when my period just arrived. I didn’t even feel it coming.”

No irritability. No headache. No food cravings. It is possible.

The first step to easy periods is to value female hormones. Both estrogen and progesterone are powerful assets, and not something to be switched off with hormonal birth control.

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Queen Estrogen: No Hormone More Powerful for Sleep, Mood, and Libido

in defense of estrogen

We must not fear estrogen—our own queen of hormones. With all the current talk of estrogen dominance, plus the 2002 HRT scare, estrogen has acquired a bad reputation it does not deserve.

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The Pill, Thyroid, and 4 Other Types of Hormonal Hair Loss


Hair loss used to be something that women suffered occasionally after childbirth or illness. It is now so common that doctors see it every day.

Hormonal birth control is largely to blame. It damages the hair follicle in a way that can take years to repair.  Other conditions such as PCOS and thyroid disease also play a role.

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