Almost all types of hormonal birth control switch off ovarian function and, therefore, switch off the ovarian hormones estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone. Here’s a bit more about each method.
Lara Briden - The Period Revolutionary
Leading the change to better periods and hormones
The copper IUD or Paragard is one of the few non-hormonal methods of birth control. It works by impairing sperm and preventing implantation.
Almost all types of hormonal birth control switch off ovarian function and, therefore, switch off the ovarian hormones estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone. Here’s a bit more about each method.
The copper IUD or coil (ParaGard or the new Miudella) is a non-hormonal method of birth control. Its main advantage over hormonal methods is that it contains no contraceptive drugs and permits natural ovulatory cycles.
Natural or non-hormonal contraceptive methods include fertility awareness-based methods, the diaphragm, condoms, and the copper IUD or Paragard.