Why I Prescribe Iodine for Breast Pain, Ovarian Cysts, and Premenstrual Mood Symptoms

iodine for women's health

Iodine has beneficial anti-estrogenic effects that can relieve breast pain, ovulation pain, and premenstrual mood symptoms. It may also help prevent ovarian cysts by promoting healthy estrogen metabolism, down-regulating estrogen receptors, and stabilizing estrogen-sensitive tissue.

That makes iodine one of the best treatments for estrogen excess or so-called “estrogen dominance”—although I don’t use that term.

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High Histamine Can Make for a Tougher Perimenopause

A tendency to allergies or high histamine can increase the risk of perimenopausal symptoms such as night sweats, anxiety, pain, sleep disturbance, migraines, and heavy periods. That’s because histamine increases with estrogen, and estrogen is higher than normal during the early years of perimenopause.

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What Estrogen Does in Your 40s (and How Progesterone Can Help)

Estrogen rollercoaster of perimenopause

Night sweats, mood swings, and crazy heavy periods. Is this menopause already? And you’re only 42? No, menopause could still be a decade away. This is perimenopause or second puberty, which is the decade or so before your final period.

Perimenopause is different from menopause (or post-menopause), which is the life phase that begins one year after your final period.

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