7 Superpowers of Progesterone

Superpowers of progesteroneProgesterone is a startlingly beneficial hormone, and almost all of us could do with more than we have.

Progesterone acts on your breasts and uterus, so it’s essential for healthy reproduction and periods. It also acts on your brain, immune system, and detoxification enzymes. Progesterone does a lot more for you than just fertility and easy periods. It soothes, nourishes, energizes, strengthens, and rescues your body in ways you never imagined.

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How Birth Control Switches Off Hormones and Why That Matters

the pill switches off hormones

The pill was an important step in our struggle to legalize contraception. I celebrate that, of course.  Hormonal birth control can also be medicine for debilitating conditions such as severe endometriosis and very heavy periods. I celebrate that.

What I don’t celebrate is the distorted message that hormonal birth control is the only birth control. And I don’t celebrate its widespread prescription as “hormone balance” for any hormonal symptom that might arise in women and teenage girls. 

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The Pill, Thyroid, and 4 Other Types of Hormonal Hair Loss


Hair loss used to be something that women suffered occasionally after childbirth or illness. It is now so common that doctors see it every day.

Hormonal birth control is largely to blame. It damages the hair follicle in a way that can take years to repair.  Other conditions such as PCOS and thyroid disease also play a role.

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