Endometriosis: 5 Natural Treatments That Really Work

Natural endometriosis treatmentEndometriosis is not like other period problems. It’s not a hormonal condition like PMS and PCOS. It’s affected by hormones, yes, but fundamentally endometriosis is a disease of immune dysfunction.

The medical consensus has not yet caught up with the new research into endometriosis and immune dysfunction so hormonal suppression remains the primary treatment.

There is a better way.

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Why I Don’t Use the Term Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen dominance is not a medical term.

Estrogen dominance means high estrogen compared to progesterone. It’s a real condition and, at the same time, a not-very-helpful term.

There are better ways to discuss estrogen and progesterone balance.

First, it’s normal to have no progesterone during the follicular phase, which is the first two to three weeks of the menstrual cycle.

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How to Come Off Hormonal Birth Control

how to come off birth controlYou’re ready. You suspect hormonal birth control is no longer right for your body, and you have a sinking feeling it never was.

Of course, you have questions about the process of coming off birth control. What will happen to your skin? Will you get your period? Which natural treatments can you use to make it all go as smoothly as possible?

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