Endometriosis Is a Disease of Immune Dysfunction

Endometriosis immune dysfunction.

Endometriosis is an inflammatory disease that’s affected by hormones but is not caused by hormones. Instead, endometriosis is, at least in part, a disease of immune dysfunction.

In episode 4 of my podcast/YouTube video (released in March 2022), I discuss some of the new endometriosis research, including the link with genes that increase the risk of autoimmune disease, the role of a bacterial toxin called lipopolysaccharide or LPS, and new targets for natural immune-modulating treatment.

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How to Improve Premenstrual Mood Symptoms (A Summary of Natural Treatments)

natural treatment for premenstrual mood

There’s a lot more to treating premenstrual mood symptoms than just the pill or SSRI antidepressants. Alternative strategies for premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) include iodine, magnesium, vitamin B6, vitex (chaste tree), progesterone, and a natural antihistamine approach.

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Why a Vegan or Plant-Based Diet Can Be Bad for Periods

A vegan or exclusively plant-based diet can make periods lighter and less painful, which is good. Over time, however, an exclusively plant-based diet can cause irregular or heavy periods due to impaired ovulation and low progesterone.

The main problem with an exclusively plant-based diet is that it cannot provide an adequate supply of nutrients such as zinc, iodine, iron, vitamin A, and taurine.

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How Soy Affects Hormones and Health

Soy contains phytoestrogens or “plant-estrogens,” which sounds bad but by out-competing estradiol, phytoestrogens can have a beneficial anti-estrogen effect in women of reproductive age.

That’s why soy and other phytoestrogens can make periods lighter and improve estrogen excess symptoms such as PMS and heavy periods. 

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