High-Dose Fructose Can Cause or Worsen Insulin Resistance (But Fruit Is Okay)

fructose and insulin resistance

High-dose fructose can cause or worsen insulin resistance, abdominal weight gain, fatty liver, heavy periods, and PCOS.

High-dose fructose comes from table sugar (sucrose), high-fructose corn syrup, and even some natural sweeteners such as agave, coconut sugar, dates, dried fruit, and fruit juice.

Whole fruit is healthy and does not cause insulin resistance because 1) whole fruit contains only low-dose fructose, and 2) fruit also provides beneficial nutrients, fibre, and polyphenols.

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Have You Lost Your Period to a Low-Carb or Keto Diet?

Have you lost your period to a keto diet?

Every time I tweet my concern about women losing their periods to a low-carb or keto diet, I get a lot of angry responses.

“It’s purely anecdotal,” men explain to me. “There’s no known mechanism, so it can’t be happening.”

Except it is happening. Ask anyone who works with young menstruating women. Or not menstruating, as the case may be.


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