How Rhodiola Shelters Us From Stress and Cortisol

Rhodiola shelters us from stressOur stress response system—the HPA axis—is calibrated for intermittent, severe threats such as lions.  Not for the incessant, trivial threats of modern life, such as difficult phone calls. We don’t want our hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis to charge up and release cortisol every time we drive in heavy traffic, but it will do so.

If you’re like me, you’re trying to ease up on the HPA throttle. I practice yoga. I take magnesium. I switch off my computer in the evening like a good naturopath. I sternly instruct my HPA axis to power down, but I must say that it does not always listen. If I could only be more Buddha-like, then I would not need to coax my HPA axis with a herbal medicine like Rhodiola.

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The Pill, Thyroid, and 4 Other Types of Hormonal Hair Loss


Hair loss used to be something that women suffered occasionally after childbirth or illness. It is now so common that doctors see it every day.

Hormonal birth control is largely to blame. It damages the hair follicle in a way that can take years to repair.  Other conditions such as PCOS and thyroid disease also play a role.

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Build Better Bones by Avoiding These 7 Bone Saboteurs

Your bones are not inert calcium repositories. They are dynamic, living tissue, and they respond to a variety of health factors.

That’s why eating more calcium will not give you better bones. And that’s why the strategy for preventing osteoporosis goes way beyond calcium, and way beyond dairy. The strategy is to look at all of the hidden health factors that affect bone health.

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