Search found 2 matches

by Alt123+
Sun Oct 29, 2023 9:28 am
Forum: Ep 8: Help for post-pill acne, hair loss, and weight gain
Topic: White peony and Licorice
Replies: 0
Views: 51192

White peony and Licorice

I came off the pill a year and a half ago at age 22. I started the pill at 18. I am now 23. I had regular periods before the pill but did struggle with acne. My skin started breaking out 3-4 months after stopping the pill. My periods were regular for about 9 months after stopping and then I returned...
by Alt123+
Mon May 15, 2023 7:34 am
Forum: Miscellaneous
Topic: Periods suddenly irregular
Replies: 1
Views: 14618

Periods suddenly irregular

I was wondering if you could give any insight about my suddenly irregular periods. I got my period at 11 years old and had regular periods up until 18 when I went on birth control. Growing up I had acne on my face and sometimes my back and did accutane at age 13 and 16 which I really regret bc I can...