
A discussion area for perimenopause. Please start by reviewing my articles Perimenopause is not about aging and Rescue prescription for perimenopause.
And my perimenopause book Hormone Repair Manual.
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Joined: Tue Nov 22, 2022 5:55 pm


Post by slawson123 »

Hello, Lara and team!
I have Stage 4 Endometriosis (had surgery in 2008), and I am 46 years old. Over the past 5 years, I have had low iron and low Vitamin D, along with abdominal discomfort. I have restricted my diet to only about 10 foods, and I have to consume a can of sardines with every meal, in order to keep my iron and D levels normal. I also take an iron, Vitamin D, and fish oil supplements. If I go off my diet, I experience bloating, gas, discomfort, and insomnia, along with a heavy and painful period.
Could all of these symptoms be related to the endometriosis? Any knowledge that can be shared would be greatly appreciated.

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