Hypothalamus Amenorrhea and Surrogacy Breastfeeding

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Lisa Lord22
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Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2023 12:37 pm

Hypothalamus Amenorrhea and Surrogacy Breastfeeding

Post by Lisa Lord22 »

Hi there,

At 21 I was diagnosed with PCOS and told to stay on the pill, I stayed on this still 29 when I tried to get pregnant but had no luck as my cycle did not return. I then progressed to various fertility treatments and at 32 started IVF, it took me 5 egg collections and 7 embryo transfers and at 35 I had my son who0 I exclusively breastfed for 15 months. I always thought I had PCOS and did all the things that one should do to mitigate the risks. I had no classic symptoms apart from irregular cycles, my BMI was always normal but I was never underweight. I then tried to have another child, at 37 I randomly started cycling normally and ovulating but then did more IVF and my cycle disappeared but this did coincide with the covid vaccine and booster (another 3 egg collections resulting with another 5 failed transfers and also 5 miscarriages). It became apparent my body just could not carry a baby, I also developed sub clinical Hashimotos, it was a very stressful and emotional time. My sister in law offered to carry our next child and to our delight the first transfer worked and we are expecting a little girl in April 2023, I will be 40 in July. Since ceasing fertility treatment I have been trying to figure out why my period is still missing and my diagnosis as I know the implications of a missing cycle, through hormone testing and using cyclic progesterone I got it back but cycles had been 55 days long. I have started a deeper meditation practise and more of a somatic yoga practise and I got my cycle back within 23 days using nothing at all. My LH is lower than FSH on day 2 of my cycle which I know is a sign of HA, my fasting insulin is also low, approx 2.0, again an indicator. I also tried radical iodine therapy through a naturopath last year which resulted in me feeling awful and now see a holistic Dr who has also given me whole thyroid. I follow a strict gluten free diet and eat whole foods. I hope to get off the whole thryoid potentially at some stage and I have gotten my TPO antibodies down to 32, they were at 360.

My main reason for posting is that I have always planned to breastfeed however it is not crunch time, I have been trying to induce lactation naturally with herbs and pumping but so far I am not getting anything. I consulted Yvonne Le Fort and she gave me Domperidone and Levlen. The recommendation is to be on the BC pill for 6 weeks along with Dom 3 times a day and then to stop the BC pill and up my Dom and start pumping.
My question is with all my health concerns is this the right choice? I feel very conflicted between breastfeeding and giving my baby formula, I really don't want to do this. However, the side effects of taking these drugs appear to be quite harsh with mood issues and weight gain. I don't do well mentally with weight gain either and no that this will result in losing my cycle. I always vowed I would never go on birth control again and am very pro the natural route where possible. I am also studying to be a naturopath.

I would really appreciate your thoughts on this unique situation.


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