Perimenopausal symptoms on the pill

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Perimenopausal symptoms on the pill

Post by Mic »

Hi again, I've been on the pill for ... 20 years? Estelle. I'm 47 and while I read that the pill masks symptoms of peri, I just know I'm getting them. Night sweats for last 6 months (not crazy soaking wet but every night wet chest), more anxiety and impatient and snappy, never been a good sleeper but waking a lot throughout night.
Question - is it common to still get peri symptoms when on the pill? And also, I am thinking of changing to a different pill possibly. Thanks!
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Re: Perimenopausal symptoms on the pill

Post by Paris89 »

Hello thanks for your post.
I am on YAZ a few years now and I believe I am starting to have symptoms.
I do not have the night sweats but I get a hot burning feeling on my face, hands, forearms.
Very strange I was convinced I had MS and my anxiety took over had an MRI of my cervical spine which was clear. Im now on a SSRI to help anxiety and the pill YAZ but to answer your question. I do think you can start to have symptoms on the pill at least I think so…….
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Re: Perimenopausal symptoms on the pill

Post by Lara »

One consideration is that you could already be in menopause, but the lack of periods is masked by the fact that you're having regular pill bleeds. As I describe in Hormone Repair Manual, the best plan is usually to come off the pill to see where you're at (i.e. menopause or not) and then decide on the next best step.
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Re: Perimenopausal symptoms on the pill

Post by Craf »

I’m in a similar situation to Mic, been on Estelle for 20 years. I’m 43 and for the past 3 years or so I get hot flushes all the time, my hair has been thinning, I’ve gained weight around mid-section specifically, sleep has deteriorated, concentration span deteriorated and when I do get my period it is so light that I don’t even need pads/tampons.

I’m thinking that I could be in menopause even, but I also just read The Hormone Repair Manual and wondering whether I actually have hypothyroidism (it was the tip on the condition of my feet which made me think that). So now I’m super confused and not sure where to start with my doctor. Do I explore hypothyroidism first with some tests and then worry about peri/menopause?
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Re: Perimenopausal symptoms on the pill

Post by Lara »

Testing for thyroid, including thyroid antibodies, is a good first step, and you can do that while still on the pill. On the perimenopause side of things, see the "Cycle while you can" chapter in hormone repair manual. This could be a good opportunity to try to have natural menstrual cycles and see where you're at.
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