Do these lab values suggest any probable cause of my very irregular periods (sometimes 3 months without)? My obgyn said they were normal. I believe they were taken a couple weeks before I did get a period
-testosterone free 2.1 pg/ml
-testosterone total 14ng/dl
-TSH 1.99 miu/l
-prolactin 5.1 ng/ml
-lh 10.8
-insulin 3.9 uiu/ml
-estradiol 77.2 pg/ml
-fsh 4.9 iu/l
-dhea sulfate 145 mcg/dl
-glucose 87
Lab interpretation help needed!
Re: Lab interpretation help needed!
Any way I can get your expert opinion Lara Briden? Very torn on whether to up my carb intake or focus on HPA solves and supplements you mention in the book.
Re: Lab interpretation help needed!
Looks like you have PCOS, considering the high LH : FSH ratio.
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