Ovulating but no period?

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Ovulating but no period?

Post by LinCov88 »

I am very confused. I suffered a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks recently and had surgery to remove the pregnancy remains (mva).

Since then, I have ovulated twice (fairly sure - dead on time, digital test, cm tracking, ovulation pains) and each time I have had what felt like a period two weeks later (on the dot) but with no bleeding. Sore boobs, pms, cramping, but no period. My doctor has dismissed this as hormones settling but I’m baffled by why I feel like I’m having a period but not experiencing one. Has anyone every experienced ovulation not followed by a bleed? I am not sexually actively currently so no risk of new pregnancy.
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Re: Ovulating but no period?

Post by Lara »

It's generally not possible to ovulate without going onto bleed (or be pregnant) except in unusual circumstances like cervical stenosis.

I know you said you identified ovulation with digital test (by which I think you mean LH urine test?), cm tracking, and ovulation pain. Or by digital test, do you mean temperature tracking? Because of all those things, the only way to really CONFIRM ovulation is with a sustained 10-day rise in luteal phase temperatures.
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Re: Ovulating but no period?

Post by LinCov88 »

Thanks so much for your reply!

I have been using digital ovulation predictor tests alongside BBT tracking. I am seeing an acupuncturist now and she is helping me interpret my BBT chart so I’ll probably have a better idea if I’m definitely ovulating by next month.

I was having the same problem before I got pregnant - ovulating but no bleeding. This went on for a few months having had the Mirena coil removed. I think my GP doubted I was ovulating but I ended up pregnant, so I must have been.

I have now been referred for a scan so they can check for scarring or any structural abnormalities. I’ve also ordered a progesterone test from the chemist so I’m going to use that 7 days after when I believe I’ve ovulated. Hopefully it will shine a light on things!
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Re: Ovulating but no period?

Post by LinCov88 »

Just a little update in case you are interested - I’m definitely ovulating. Sustained temperature rise over 12 days which dropped day 13 and 14… but no bleed!

I have a scan booked in to look for scarring although my GP does not think it likely.
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Re: Ovulating but no period?

Post by lcd94 »

Hey, hope you don’t mind me asking but what was the outcome in the end? I’m experience the exact same thing.
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