Progesterone only therapy

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Progesterone only therapy

Post by Missmel »

I have a question regarding progesterone only therapy for the treatment of perimenopausal symptoms.
I am experiencing sleep issues, heart palpitations, headaches, heavy and extended periods etc. Due to this, I have been able to access a prescription from my gp for prometrium, but am unsure of dosage. According to my gp I should only take it for 14 days out of a 28 day cycle.....with oestrogen patches. But I would like to do progesterone only. What are your thoughts please? If I'm taking it for the above symptoms, should I be taking it every night, or 2 weeks on 2 weeks off as suggested by my gp?
Thanks :)
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Re: Progesterone only therapy

Post by sjlee000 »


I think it is a standard protocol is to prescribe HRT like that if you are still having periods BUT to me if you are having heavy extended periods it sounds like you have more estrogen in relation to progesterone already.

This website may have some useful info:

I´m not a doctor, so perhaps you should repost this one in the "perimenapause" section, you may get more responses. Perhaps add your age to give an idea of the stage you are at.

Hope you feel better soon.

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Re: Progesterone only therapy

Post by Missmel »

Hi Sam,
Thank you so much for your supportive reply....and for sharing the link. It can be such a minefield when searching for beneficial information!
I'll repost and see what happens.
Take care.
Warm regards,
Posts: 15
Joined: Tue Jan 04, 2022 2:09 pm

Re: Progesterone only therapy

Post by sjlee000 »

Hi Mel.

It is a minefield for sure.

I´m 51 now and started at 45 with hormonal migranes around day 26-28 & heavy periods (not as heavy as yours sound though) which cyclical utrogestan really helped.

Then around 1 year ago migranes worsened days 4-12 of my cycle and I just didn´t feel right - foggy & cravings. I added a low dose estrogen patch to smooth these bumps and experimented with the utrogestan daily. About 3 months ago add in awful insomnia...I´ve been posting on here like crazy! Now I take 200mg utrogestan daily and a low dose estrogen patch. I feel great again & am sleeping well....for now!

My experience is that our bodies and hormone levels are changing all the time & we have to adjust our HRT as we move from early peri to late peri to menapause and symptom to symptom.

You know your body and symptoms. Have you read Lara´s latest book? I found it really useful. ... k_ro_title

I also enjoyed this book by Dr Uzzi Reiss because it reminded me that we all have different hormonal needs and I learned to trust myself more. ... k_ro_title

I hope you are able to get some answers.

Best regards

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