Hi, nice to discover this Forum.. I have a few issues

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Hi, nice to discover this Forum.. I have a few issues

Post by Sam11_ »

Hi to whoever reads this.. nice to connect with you.

My name is Sam or Samantha, I am from the UK and 41 years of age.. can't quite believe I am that age already as feel I lost many years.
Grateful to have found this forum and Lara's books.
I will explain my story maybe..
So I feel my hormonal issues started when I was around 21. I started to get excess hair on my upper lip which I always used to bleach to disguise the hair as there wasn't much there, but then the hair increased and I thought I should wax it off but I would wax and then the hair would grow back very quickly and I started growing thicker darker hairs which was quite distressing at the time expecially when I didn't like my body at the time anyway and had low self esteem. I thought I will just have to shave it and still do now.. still have the thick black hairs and on my legs too.. but have been tested for PCOS and have been told I haven't got it ( scan showed possible pcos but blood test was negative) . I have a feeling this all started because I was not eating properly .. I then went on to have an eating disorder and exercise addiction for quite a few years and went through depression, anxiety, loss of menstruation.. it was a tough time.

I managed to overcome the eating disorder and stopped the excessive exercise thank goodness, regained my periods, which have been regular and not that noticeable apart from some pmt. When I was around 37, I had a few instances of really awful pain that made me think I should get checked out with a doctor.

Long story short and after a bit of a traumatic time after going through investigations for a breast lump at the same time, they found out I had an endometrioma cyst and then after laparoscopy diagnosed me with endometriosis. They removed the endometrioma and another simple cyst from the other ovary but didn't remove the endo lesions on the pouch of douglas and somewhere else I can't remember.

A year later I felt something wasn't right and went to have another scan and was told I had another endometrioma grow back.

I haven't had a scan since then, have refused to go on birth control and am trying to help myself naturally and holistically with a good diet, castor oil packs, supplements etc and also understand the impact of stress on the body.

My main issue I would like to get to the bottom of now is the excess, darker hair. Now that it has turned to that thicker darker hair I guess the only way to get rid of it is through laser? Is there anything I could do nutritionally or with further testing that could help this?

Oh and I also have what I have been told is seborrerhic dermatitis that I can't seem to get rid off and poor circulation in my legs causing them to swell slightly, go bluey purple when standing for too long and I have dodgy veins showing now.. all still causes me anxiety and low feelings about my body.

Thank you for reading, sending well wishes to all

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