Gallbladder Removal & Insulin/Blood Sugar

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Gallbladder Removal & Insulin/Blood Sugar

Post by sue5 »

I bought your new book and it’s on the way!

If your new book doesn’t talk about it, I would really appreciate your thoughts on how gallbladder removal effects the hypoglycemia/ insulin picture (or if it doesn’t - your thoughts in a separate vlog).

I most definitely had issues with low blood sugar (undiagnosed) through my 20’s and 30’s - would get shaky and dizzy and eat candy to feel normal (that was the advice of others). That stopped working and I finally noticed that when I would eat something that was high sugar, I would get extremely lethargic within 20 min and have to nap for 2 hours. I felt drugged and finally realized I could be dealing with an insulin issue but my doc wouldn’t test me. (I was always skinny fat until having kids in my early 30’s, now I’m 20-30lbs overweight - which I think to most docs seems like a normal weight). Fast forward to 7 years ago and my gallbladder was removed after a third attack. I was really sad to have it taken out because I know how important it is to digestion and so many other things. I was already having chronic migraines and allergies brought on by perimenopause unbeknownst to me (until I came across your blog 4 years ago) that was starting about 3 years prior, and I’ve now got a full blown severe soy allergy, very sluggish digestion / constipation and wildly swing between very hungry - not hungry but feel dizzy and almost always lethargic (my migraines and sleep are under control). I have been beef, dairy and gluten free (free from most grains and legumes too because of soy contamination) for 3-4 years because of joint pain from it, to help with allergies/inflammation, and because the beef and dairy has been extremely hard to digest without a gallbladder.

One of my favorite things (I think you said it) from your blog or second book is when you said the body will continue to eat until it gets enough protein. That is more true than the sky is blue. I can still feel such low energy though even when I get enough protein and can still feel a crash of energy and needing a nap after having some carbs (my thyroid panel and antibodies are all normal and I take low dose iodine). I’m trying to watch carbs but find that without them I’m hungry a lot more. With them, I get painfully bloated. (I’ve added weight training into the picture 3 months ago.)

I’ve always associated low energy with hypoglycemia when thyroid is ruled out. I just wondered if no gallbladder is part of that picture (despite the fact that the pancreas is what is involved in blood sugar / insulin). I’ve been surprised that gallbladder removal, and it’s domino effect of so many issues afterwards, isn’t mentioned in your second book since it’s so common among women in their 40’s to have it removed).

I suspect I’m having major nutrient absorption issues and it’s causing an issue with blood sugar functioning normally, but don’t know how to fix that. If there’s a connection… what’s your best course of action you could suggest?

Thank you for your life’s work! Your protocol has saved me from so many issues including PMDD.

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