Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)?

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Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)?

Post by namaste »

Hi all,

My girlfriend and I think she may have Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). She has pretty much all the symptoms listed here:

Her symptoms are pelvic pain (the burning kind), spotting between periods, feeling like she needs to urinate all the time, bad smelling discharge and pain during/after sex. She has probably had it for several years without any doctor recognising it, partly because she did not really have a language to describe the symptoms.

She has likely gotten it because of douching, as I am her first and only partner (and she is my first, so I did not give her any STDs :)).

She has been throughly treated for both bacterial vaginosis and thrush, but had little success. Going to see a gynaecologist about it next week probably. Is there anything she can do herself? Are there other options than antibiotics? She already has digestive issues and I worry that the antibiotics might cause problems down the road.

She also has mild symptoms of insulin restistance and is working on this through diet.
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Re: Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)?

Post by Lara »

If it is PID, and the doctor says she needs antibiotics, she should take them.
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