Recommendations for ovarian cancer prevention with BRCA2

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Abbie S
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2025 2:45 pm

Recommendations for ovarian cancer prevention with BRCA2

Post by Abbie S »

Hi Lara,

I recently learned that I carry the BRCA2 gene mutation. I am a 44 year old mother of two with a regular menstrual cycle and no current signs of breast or ovarian cancer.
I've been given the option for conventional breast cancer screenings and the option to have my ovaries removed for ovarian cancer prevention. While I am not interested in having both ovaries removed, I am considering the following:
1) fallopian tube removal
2) fallopian tube removal & removal of one ovary

I am seeking your input about these options and whether or not you think either are a safe and wise choice or if you would recommend other lifestyle and diet changes for ovarian cancer prevention instead or in conjunction with the above procedures.

Thank you so much in advance for your input.

Best regards,
Abbie Silvers

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