Vitex? 42 and breastfeeding for the last 28 months (PMDD, Migraine, ADHD)

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Vitex? 42 and breastfeeding for the last 28 months (PMDD, Migraine, ADHD)

Post by makingspecial »

Hi all,

I'm hoping to get some insight into how to best support my hormone balance while continuing to breastfeed my almost 28 month old, I think my period returned about 20 months pp. I am presuming that my prolactin is quite high both due to breastfeeding and the stress of (pandemic, climate crisis, war, parenting a toddler and ADHD). I suffer from PMDD and serious menstrual migraines which limit my life for about 4 days every month.

However, based on Lara's amazing blog and the book I have taken anti-histamines at migraine aura onset these last days along with aspirin and it has been amazingly effective as a first-line approach.
  • I have just started on Magnesiumglycinate (300mg daily) and B6 (2x 17mg daily - 36mg).
  • next on my list is getting Melatonin (3mg), riboflavin (2x 200mg) and zinc (30mg)
  • I guess my big question is should I be taking Vitex while breastfeeding?
  • I am also cutting down cow dairy, sugar and wheat based baked goods
at 42 I also presume that I should be supporting myself for perimenopause. I conceived late (naturally at 39, after failed fertility treatment). I was given medicacation for high prolactin during fertility treatment. Interestingly, when I did conceive it was the month I started on zoloft for PMDD! My period returned quite late, so when my daughter was about 20 months?

pre-pregnancy my periods were quite sparse, slightly shorter cycles. I've had menstrual migraines for at least the last 8-10 years and significant depression in the latter half of my cycle for far too long.

I was taking Zoely for the last 4 months primarily to manage PMDD but stopped at this last cycle. It wasn't feeling 100% right and reading the Period Repair Manual this last week confirmed my hunch that it wasn't actively treating the cause of my PMDD. I also get severe menstrual migraines (3-4 days of pain including the right side of my body in muscle cramps) and am concerned about the added long-term stroke risk of contraceptives.

I was diagnosed last year with ADHD. I take dexamphetamine for this which is a great tool that I am not willing to drop, but I know that my PMDD while overwhelmingly depressing also aggravates my ADHD symptoms. um... what else. low sex-drive, insomnia, sugar cravings.... (i figure i'll try to cut down, take magnesium to support cravings and then try cold turkey in a week or two)

As we are not actively trying to conceive again I wasn't specifically checking mucus signs etc prior to starting Zoely but will be doing so over the next months.

Thanks for any insight!

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