Mid cycle or post period pain

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Mid cycle or post period pain

Post by Jenn1434 »

Hello! I am almost finished with the book hormone repair manual. I turned 40 in June. Curious if you have any insight whatsoever about pain a few days AFTER period, and/or mid-cycle but usually NOT during time of period. This has happened to me for 6-7 years. The pain is very very intermittent, happens most often in the middle of the night waking me from sleep, but then goes away again after about 30-40 minutes. Sometimes happens several nights in a row along with a couple more bouts in morning or afternoon. Pretty painful when it is happening and can radiate down the crease of my legs. Thank you for reading if you see this message. -Jennifer
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Re: Mid cycle or post period pain

Post by Lara »

Have you had a chance to talk to a doctor or pelvic physiotherapist about it? Because the two symptoms (onset in the middle of the night and lasting 30 minutes) sound more like a pelvic floor issue (which can feel like menstrual pain). Maybe something like proctalgia fugax or levator ani syndrome?

This is not me diagnosing you because that would not be possible in a forum like this. It's just something to maybe ask your clinician about.
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Re: Mid cycle or post period pain

Post by Jenn1434 »

Thank you for the reply! I’ve spoken to physicians about it but they’ve seemed stumped like they’ve not heard of this before. I have not spoken to a physio yet about this but very interesting you mention it. I started looking into pelvic floor specialists yesterday for help with very slight exercise incontinence. I do think I have a bit of pelvic floor dysfunction but never connected the two. I’d love if that’s the issue and can be corrected with their help. I always assumed it was my uterus. Also of note, sometimes (again, usually during certain weeks) intercourse or even orgasm without penetration will set off the pain. I always associated it with a time frame in my cycle.
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