Reproductive Hormone changes from Epidural Steroid Injection

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Reproductive Hormone changes from Epidural Steroid Injection

Post by kalyjo803 »


Wondering if you know of any specific link between Epidural Steroid Injection (ESI) and reproductive hormones. I got one recently for back pain from herniated discs, and I'm now experiencing weird symptoms.

I've had irregular bleeding for 2 weeks 5 days after the injection starting (this is a known side effect, but was not disclosed to me) and significant volume loss in my breasts (not listed anywhere as a side effect). I've also had crazy mood changes (also a known side effect that was not disclosed to me).

My doctor says it's anxiety. Any help would be appreciated regarding how long this lasts, which hormones may have been affected, and how to restore balance.

These shots are becoming very common treatments for lower back pain, and if they're messing with our reproductive hormones we need to know!! Thank you.

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