Tube Removal & PCOS

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Tube Removal & PCOS

Post by MillerMama4 »

I just turned 37. I’ve had 2 c-sections and the last c-section I had, the OB told me my uterine lining was very thin...that she didn’t need a scalpel and that she could have cut it with her finger. I’m obviously a little concerned for the dangers of this pregnancy (uterine rupture) but I’m trying to plan for no more pregnancies beyond this for my health.

My OB has recommended that I get my tubes removed and also that my husband get “snipped” for a 2 fold protection approach. I also have PCOS and refuse any type of hormonal birth control. I’ve had the paragard before and it gave me terrible periods, so that’s out as well. I’m able to manage my PCOS with diet and lifestyle and it even felt as though it disappeared after I finished nursing my last babe. So, my question is...does Dr. Briden have thoughts on tube removal in general regarding women’s health and also tube removal specifically in women with PCOS. I don’t want the tube removal to trigger a storm of hormonal symptoms that are irreversible.
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Re: Tube Removal & PCOS

Post by MillerMama4 »

I wanted to add a note that I used the word “removal,” but my OB may have meant just “tying” them...either way, I would like to hear Dr. Briden’s thoughts on women’s health.
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Re: Tube Removal & PCOS

Post by Lara »

Officially, tubal removal or ligation does not affect hormones. Unofficially, it can lead to a somewhat lower level of progesterone. But unlikely to be a storm of hormonal symptoms.

As a couple of general comments: 1) Removal (rather than ligation) is generally considered the better approach these days, and 2) maybe get a second opinion about the necessity of "tubes removed and vasectomy for a 2-fold protection approach." Many couples do just fine with only vasectomy. And that would avoid you having an unnecessary surgery.
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