PMDD and Utrogestan

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PMDD and Utrogestan

Post by Lucyrussell2520 »

I’m 47 and have one ovary. I started HRT (25mcg estraderm and 100mg utrogestan cyclically) around 5 years ago.
I have MCAS and HIT. I recently lowered my estrogen patch to around 1/3 of a 50mcg and was taking utrogestan every day for my the after my gynae said it would help my histamine issues. Initially I felt great with the utrogestan but after 3 months I was gaining so much weight around my middle and suffering still with histamine issues I decided to stop it and Use cyclically again. After lowering estrogen patch I now have hot flashes and night sweats every day, I also suddenly cannot tolerate any progesterone at all. It causes terrible anxiety and insomnia and awful constipation and bloating. I am at a loss as to where to go next. I have been taking magnesium gylcinate and taurine (3mg) plus Vit b6 20 mg morning and night for last 3 months and it’s no better. I realise when I was using utrogestan every day I was also using an antihistamine 4 times daily so maybe why I was able to tolerate it but I stopped the antihistamine as I didn’t want to rely on it and it made my eyes so dry and I’m sure contributed to weight gain. I have lost the weight now I’ve reduced the estrogen and progesterone but I do know I have to use some progesterone if I’m using a small amount of estrogen patch so don’t know and to do. I find 200mg of progesterone easier to tolerate but get so constipated from it. Any advice greatly appreciated
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Re: PMDD and Utrogestan

Post by Lara »

The antihistamine was likely the main cause of the weight gain, not the hormone therapy. Does the timing match?

Have you tried some of the natural antihistamine strategies I discuss in Hormone Repair Manual? Particularly avoiding alcohol and cow's dairy. Calming the mast cell and histamine response in that way can make it a lot easier to tolerate hormone therapy.
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