Prometrium converting to Estrogen

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Prometrium converting to Estrogen

Post by Kim »


I'm 51 and currently taking 200 mg daily of Prometrium for perimenopausal symptoms of mood, breast tenderness, sleep troubles, heavy periods and headaches. I started with 100mg first half of cycle and 200mg second half, but had bad headaches when I would reduce back down to 100mg, so I transitioned to one consistent dose. Symptoms improved for several months, but I'm now getting headaches again at mid cycle, right before my period and then several days after period. If and when I skip a cycle, headaches improve. I've also recently had a new breast cyst and developed melasma on my neck and arms. My naturopathic doctor thinks the Prometrium might be converting to Estrogen, which could be causing the melasma and other symptoms. She suggested a trial of 100mg of DIM to see if that helps. Do you have experience with Prometrium converting to Estrogen? Any recommendations on how to prevent this from happening? Thanks for all you do to educate the world about women's health.

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