Vitex - effects on period length (personal experience)

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Vitex - effects on period length (personal experience)

Post by purplerox »

Hi there,

I thought I'd share my experience with vitex in case it is helpful to someone.

I tried vitex for 3 consecutive menstrual cycles for PMDD. Not much benefit/changes to mood, BUT it shortened the length of my cycle by 3-4 days! As soon as I stopped taking it, my cycles went back to their usual length.

Btw, I have regular (predictable) cycles, within a normal range (28-35 days).
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Re: Vitex - effects on period length (personal experience)

Post by purplerox »

I tried vitex again, but this time I started during luteal phase (started during the 1st estrogen drop, a few days after ovulation).

Taking the Vitex seems to have caused my period to come sooner (~4 days), and so it seems it caused my luteal phase to be shorter.

I'll mention that I am sensitive to medications and supplements, so maybe I just respond very quickly or more intensely to interventions [theory].

@Dr. Briden, is it normal for Vitex to reduce cycle length / reduce the length of the luteal phase?
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