Ch 6 - MHT

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Ch 6 - MHT

Post by julieroberts »

Question about early menopause.

My last cycle was 2/2020. I was 43 (turning 44 in September of 2020). Your book recommends MHT for anyone starting menopause before age 45. My ND currently has me on 45mg of progesterone cream (20 am/25 pm). That has certainly helped some for sleep and mood. Should I be pushing to start estrogen as well?

The hot flashes have pretty much subsided. I tend to only have them after eating sugar/empty carbs like pasta & bread. When I go down through the list of low estrogen I can pinpoint many symptoms that I do currently have: vaginal dryness, loss of libido/painful intercourse, low mood, weight gain (and inability to lose no matter what I do), sleep disturbances (although better with the progesterone), heart palpitations, constipation and brain fog. While none of them are so bad that I can't survive, it would be great for some of the symptoms to lessen! :lol:

In reading through the benefits of estrogen, particularly in lessening some of the more long term problems, I feel like it would be a good idea.

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Re: Ch 6 - MHT

Post by Lara »

In general, yes, I think estrogen therapy can be helpful in a situation like yours. But, of course, check with your clinician.
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