Bleeding nearly every day of cycle

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Bleeding nearly every day of cycle

Post by whitney22 »

Hi Lara,

Apologies for the long post!

I have been off the birth control pill since the end of November 2021, and this is my worst cycle so far. So far my cycles have been 33, 38 and 35 days long and I’m part way through my fourth. I can tell when my period is as the bleeding is much heavier and bright red, but I have some dark red, brown and even some bright red bleeding outside this. It can range from spotting to what I would describe as light bleeding, where on my period I’d describe the flow as medium - heavy. I think I can confirm ovulation last cycle through BBT and cervical mucus, even though I had some bleeding outside of my period in both the follicular phase and the luteal phase, but that was my first cycle tracking BBT so I don’t know about the earlier two. My cycle was 35 days long.

This cycle, I’m on for day 20 and I’ve only had 2 days so far where I haven’t bled, although I did have some dark brown discharge on those days so I don’t know if you can count that…

I went on the pill at 14 for irregular bleeding and painful periods and I am 27 now, so I was on HBC for around 13 years. My doctor says I need time to settle down but I’m concerned there’s something wrong. I haven’t really experienced much pain, however, apart from day 3/4 of my period, but it’s manageable and doesn’t stop me from doing any activities.

I’m currently taking 120mg of magnesium, 25g of Zinc, 1000ud of Vitamin D, a Vitamin B complex and a vaginal probiotic. Since starting to take these supplements around a month ago, my mood has been much better, I was crying almost every day previous to this and I felt very low. My last smear test came back clear (April 2021), although the nurse said she had noticed cervical ectropion/cervical erosion, but they thought it would clear up after I came off the pill as she said they can be affected by hormones.

Any advice on what may be causing the bleeding or any supplements I can take to help this?

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