Frequent periods 16 year old

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Frequent periods 16 year old

Post by LeslieF »

Dr Briden, my almost 17 year old daughter has been getting her period exactly every two weeks since January. Before that just irregular. First period 13.5 years old and then no period until 11 months later.

She is very frustrated and we’ve done all the typical bloodwork, most recent one being on day 10 of her cycle. Everything is “normal”. She is scheduled for an ultrasound next week. She’s also a bit underdeveloped physically. Her breasts never really grew, they are barely an A cup. She’s very petite.

She is also experiencing hair loss. Derm thinks it’s tellogen effluvium, I am not sure about that, only because I have androgenic alopecia and significant hair loss.

My daughter went through a long period of extreme stress, starting around 2019. And major back surgery in 2022. COVID, ADHD, difficulty in school, etc. Please help 🙏🏼

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