Continuous vs Cyclic Progesterone

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Continuous vs Cyclic Progesterone

Post by Christina-0701 »

43 yr old experiencing perimenopause symptoms & PCOS (since puberty) here.
I’m trying to understand the difference of using progesterone/prometrium continuously vs cyclically. My gyno prescribed both 100mg & .25 Estradiol patch to be used continuously. She did not explain why, as this was all per my suggestion. I did not understand there’s different ways to take them. The estradiol patch is on back order at pharmacy & I began the progesterone 5 nights ago & already feel some relief & am sleeping SO much better. Then I found Lara Briden page & am waiting on the book to arrive. Now I’m conflicted, do I continue progesterone only & hold off entirely on estradiol? Do I take it continuously? Will taking continuously stop my cycle all together? A little background on my cycle: “normal” for me is 22-44 days, very heavy & clots 6-8 day periods. However this last month, I experienced an 8 day brown spotting (when wiping) instead of a usual period, on time. Thanks in advance for any input!!

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