Post Pill PCOS + Letrozole

A discussion area for PCOS. Please start by reviewing my articles 4 Types of PCOS, 4 Causes of androgen excess in women and Chapter 7 of Period Repair Manual.
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Post Pill PCOS + Letrozole

Post by RoseR-ReGEN »

Hello, I have a client who was diagnosed with PCOS, and after about 1 year put on letrozole. From her symptoms and history, I believe it was post pill PCOS (no androgen excess), which may have been clearing just as she was prescribed letrozole. Her cycles can be up to 35 days long, last progesterone test was 68nmol/L.
If it was post pill PCOS, could going on letrozole just as the PCOS cleared, be counter-productive?

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