Anovulatory Cycles

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Anovulatory Cycles

Post by ndjurdjevic »

Hello Lara,

I'm a perimenopausal woman, I'm turning 47 years of age in a few months and I'm interested in anovulatory menstrual cycles. There is a paucity of information relevant to my situation or experience of anovulatory menstrual cycles.

I have two children and I the last medical form of contraception I used was a copper coil which I had removed in 2019. I have not been on the pill since 2004. I have been checking my LH levels with ovulation strips over the last few years and have never received a positive result. In order to establish that the strips work i asked my asked my teenage daughter to use the strips to see if she could get a positive (ovulation) result and she has.

I had regular, natural periods from 12 to 18 years old after which I was prescribed the pill for contraception. I became pregnant in late 2005 and birthed two daughters in 2006 and 2009.

My period is currently all over the place; there is no consistency in my cycles. Sometimes my cycle will be over 33 days sometimes only 12 days. My period will sometimes last only 4 days, other times 2 weeks. I am never sure when my period will arrive or finish.

I have had tests and my hormones levels are all within normal ranges (except for iron). I have had my PAP smear and ultrasounds of my uterus and there are no signs of cancer, cysts or endometriosis. I always have spotting before my bleeds, which I never experienced before 2016. Despite that I have previously had terribly painful cramps, backpain, acne and PMS in the past, now I no longer experience painful period cramps.

I do not drink, smoke, take recreational drugs, medications, and I am gluten and dairy-free.

Can you please direct me to more information on anovulatory cycles that are not connected to conditions such as PCOS or endometriosis?

Thank you for your time and all the information you provide. I have been taking the supplements you recommend and 300 mg bioidentical progesterone.

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