Hot flashes/waves

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Hot flashes/waves

Post by ilonab »

hi Lara/anyone,

I am 48. Still cycling mostly, definitely in perimenopause. We also are trying to have a baby w Donor Egg IVF. That is, in March until March 19 I was on estrace and then stopped when the eggs we had didn't fertilize (Waiting for replacement now). I started bleeding (and I did have a follicle in the cycle, not sure this matters) on March 27. This Sunday, April 10 I started feeling hot waves (which I had in the past, like this winter when my cycle was MIA for 3 months). I also just received your wonderful HRP book today :)

Do you have any suggestions for healing the flashes/reducing them? I could easily go back on estrace since I have some left if that would help. I have been doing progesterone (in the US I get 400mg for day 14-28 of my cycle though recently my cycles have also been shorter so I take it less than 14 days; I did notice more CM early on in the cycle, so not sure if I am having more anovulatory cycles, or if the CM is related to ovulation for me, like it used to be).

Thanks so much in advance for any input..

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