PCOS and post-menstrual symptoms

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PCOS and post-menstrual symptoms

Post by Cro94_ »

Hi Lara,

I will write background underneath, my question is: how to combat post-menstrual symptoms and what is the cause of it?

I have had irregular periods since i've been 13/14 years of age and i'm now almost 28. I also have signs of high androgens/hirsuitism but never connected the two over the years. It's only been in the past 5 or 6 years that I have began to develop really debilitating pms symptoms,usually starting about 10-14 days before my period( that is if i even get the period that month!). The only thing i can think of is I took the HBC pill about 6 years ago for 2 weeks but I was getting really bad migraines and felt really strange so i stopped it. The doctor diagnosed me with PCOS last year although she said my bloods were ok and I had an ultrasound done last year which didn't show anything. I have all of the usual pms symptoms- breast tenderness and swelling,fatigue, brain fog,headaches etc but my most debilitating symptoms are the anxiety and depression pre and post period.

It would go away after I got period but in the last few cycles i have been actually getting even worse pms anxiety and depression AFTER my period finishes. It lasts about 4-5 days and then things begin to balance again.

I have recently read your book and I am almost a month DF/GF/SF. I am taking magnesium300mg, zinc, vitamin b6/complex, probiotics,Vitamin D and Rhodiola 1 tablet.

I would love to hear any advice you would have and what I could do to alleviate these symptoms??

Thank you if you get to read this x

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