Hi Lara,
I was taking micronised progesterone (200mg) but it seemed to have opposite affect for me - acne and anxiety got worse. I was on this protocol for about a year, reducing my dose to 100mg. I read your blog post that progesterone can be bad for mood and cause anxiety in some women - with neurosterosis change sensitivity? Any way to know for sure if I fall into this group? And if so is there anything I can do about it? Are there any alternatives to micronised progesterone? My main concerns are acne and hairloss. Tried rosemary oil for it, not much success. I have a short luteal phase, and delayed ovulation (periods range from 29-33). Recently my period was 43 days.
I take inositol, dim, omega3, magnesium, zinc, vit d, insulin is under control, eat a healthy diet, spearmint tea 3x/day and walk most days.
I also take spironalctone, reduced from 200mg to 50mg. I want to come off this as it hasn’t done much for my skin or hair. But nervous it will make acne worse.
I also have
- high cortisol - I find this extremely difficult to correct because of daily stress and anxiety. I have found drinking tulsi tea and sometimes take ashwaghnda (on and off) May be helpful, but nothing ground breaking
- high estrogen in lutes phase - as per blood work
I have read your book period repair manual which was great.
Is there anything you would suggest if you were working with a patient with these concerns? I’m not sure what else to do.
Short luteal phase, acne and hairloss
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