Need help! Adrenal PCOS and progesterone

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Need help! Adrenal PCOS and progesterone

Post by anita »

Hi darling!

I am 23 years old and was diagnosed with PCOS through ultrasound and hirsutism/acne symptoms at 17. I had never gotten a period naturally so I had to induce it with a hormonal pill. I was very stressed as a teen and struggled with a mild eating disorder. I have always responded to stress horribly. My period has been irregular since (long cycles) and my breasts never developed properly (still stuck in early tanner stages). I get palpitations, anxiety, depression, dry skin on my body, acne. My sex drive has always been relatively high. I have an extremely healthy diet, yet my anxiety kills my appetite most days and I struggle to put weight on.

I have tried vitex before and nearly ended up in the hospital due to the excruciating cramps. I believe it was related to my elevated prolactin and LH. My recent LH:FSH ratio came out as 9:1, which the doctors shrugged off for some reason. My testosterone is within range, but still on the elevated side.

I started cyclical progesterone (14 days on 14 off, 100mg) 3 months ago. The first cycle was okay, but then I slowly started experiencing horrible anxiety the 6 days after stopping progesterone. This cycle I had horrible crippling anxiety, chest burns, and migraines, the whole time I took progesterone. I feel absolutely bonkers this time. A few days into my pills I got my period again, which means two periods 2 weeks apart. I have read this means my estrogen skyrocketed, triggering my uterus to thicken yet again.this could explain the craziness I’m feeling.

Should I stop progesterone or start taking it continuously without stop? I was also thinking of taking reishi and black cohosh to support my poor adrenals as they’re clearly the main culprit. I was also looking at peony and licorice. Is that a good idea? Please help!

Warm regards,

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